Friday, December 3, 2021

SENSLA Winter 2021 Seminar

 Professional Development Series 2021

2021 Winter Seminar Brochure/Registration Form (pdf)

Winter Seminar

December 11, 2021
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Gretna American Legion
11690 S. 216th St.
Gretna, NE 68028

Link to Google Maps


Government Lots
Standard Parallels
2022 NGS Datum Change


Casey Sherlock - RLS, Nebraska State Surveyor

David Zenk, PE LS, Geodesist, National Geodetic Survey, Northern Plains Regional Advisor MN, ND, SD, NE, IA


8:00 - Registration
8:25 - President’s Welcome
8:30-9:25 - Session 1 Begins
9:25-9:35 - Break - Refreshments
9:35-10:25 - Session 1 Continues
10:25-10:35 - Break - Refreshments
10:35-11:25 - Session 2
11:25-11:35 - Break - Refreshments
11:35 -12:30 - Session 2 Continues
12:30-12:45 - Business Meeting

Business Meeting Agenda

1. Minutes
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Old Business
4. New Business
5. Adjourn


Casey Sherlock - RLS, Nebraska State Surveyor

Casey Sherlock is currently a resident of Lincoln, Nebraska. Casey earned a Bachelor of Science Degree with a comprehensive major in Mathematics from Chadron State College in 1999. He was Elected Hall County Surveyor for three consecutive 4-year terms of office beginning in 2005. Casey was appointed by the Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds as Nebraska’s eighth State Surveyor on January 1, 2018 and serves as Ex-officio Secretary of the Nebraska Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors.

David Zenk - PE LS, Geodesist, National Geodetic Survey, Northern Plains Regional Advisor MN, ND, SD, NE, IA

David Zenk is a Geodesist with the National Geodetic Survey, serving as Regional Geodetic Advisor for the Northern Plains Region (MN, ND, SD, IA, NE). He holds Bachelor of Science Degrees in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s Degree in Land Surveying from Oregon State University. He has served as adjunct faculty at the University of Minnesota Geography Department and at Saint Cloud State University Geography Department. He is a past Chair of the Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium. He is currently serving as Editor of the MSPS “Minnesota Surveyor” magazine. He is licensed as a Registered Land Surveyor and Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

New Rules and Regulations Comments Info

To all members of Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association:

The Nebraska State Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors will be conducting a rule making hearing on November 18th, 2021, at 10:00 am, 555 North Cotner Boulevard, Lower-Level board room, Lincoln, Nebraska. The purpose of the hearing is to take testimony and evidence about adoption and amendments and additions to Title 234, Chapters 1 through 14. This action is proposed to implement the Land Surveyors Regulation Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-8, 108 to 81-8, 127, consistent with the authority granted by the law and with constitutionality.

The Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association wants to provide an opportunity for those who did not attend the public hearing held September 23rd, 2021, an opportunity to submit testimony via a member of the Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association Board. At the October 9th, 2021, the Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association board nominated Jeremy Bender, Nebraska RLS# 691, to attend and testify on behalf of Southeast Nebraska Land Surveyors Association.

Please take time to visit the Nebraska State Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors website at to view the notice of this public hearing and the markup copy of the Proposed Rules and Regulations. Both are located below the Mission Statement on the home page of Nebraska State Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors website and are available for download.

We ask that if you wish to submit testimony to Jeremy that your comments are based on the information provided in the previously mentioned markup copy found on said website. Please keep your comments short and concise as much as possible. Please be sure to list what specific chapter and sub chapter of the Rules and Regulations or Minimum Standard number and letter.

Please submit your comments to Jeremy at by Thursday November 11th, 2021, so that he may have time to review the comments, contact you for clarification if needed, and compile the testimonies into a statement to the board before this hearing.

Thank you for time, dedication, and input.


Jon L. Carrell, Lamp Rynearson

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

SENSLA Fall 2021 Seminar

Professional Development Series 2021

2021 Fall Seminar Brochure (pdf)

Fall Seminar

October 9, 2021
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Bennet American Legion
970 Monroe St.
Bennet, NE 68317


Riparian Rights
Surveyors Responsibilities
Preparing for Depositions


David Jarecke - Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP

Ellen Kreifels - Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP


8:00 - Registration
8:25 - President’s Welcome
8:30-9:25 - Session 1 Begins
9:25-9:35 - Break - Refreshments
9:35-10:25 - Session 1 Continues
10:25-10:35 - Break - Refreshments
10:35-11:25 - Session 2
11:25-11:35 - Break - Refreshments
11:35 -12:30 - Session 2 Continues
12:30-12:45 - Business Meeting

Business Meeting Agenda

1. Minutes
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Old Business
4. New Business
5. Adjourn


David Jarecke - Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP

• U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, 1993
• U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska, 1993
• Nebraska Supreme Court 1993

• Juris Doctorate, 1993
• Creighton Law School, cum laude
• Bachelor of Science, 1987
• University of Nebraska – Lincoln, College of Arts and Sciences

Related Activities
• General Counsel and Regulatory Counsel for the Nebraska Rural Electric Association.
• General Counsel for Burt County Public Power District, Cedar-Knox Public Power District, Custer Public Power District, Cuming County Public Power District, Elkhorn Public Power District, Norris Public Power District, Southern Public Power District, and Stanton Public Power District.
• Presently provides legal counsel to Natural Resources Districts relative to water management issues, dam construction and rehabilitation projects, condemnation and other broad legal issues.
• Litigation experience before each Judicial District Court within Nebraska.
• Administrative experience and hearings before the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Power Review Board, the Public Service Commission, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Revenue, Department of Agriculture, Department of Roads, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the Tax Equalization and Review Commission.
• 2000 to present: Sponsor and Chairman of the annual Nebraska Rural Electric Legal Seminar.
• Frequent lector at agricultural, utility, and water policy conferences.
• Former Chairman of the Nebraska Bar Association for Natural Resources and Environmental Law Section and the Agricultural Law Section.

Ellen Kreifels - Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP

• Nebraska, 2014
• U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska, 2014

• Juris Doctorate, 2014
• University of Nebraska – Lincoln
• Master of Science, 2014
• Natural Resource Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
• Bachelor of Arts, 2011
• Environmental Studies, University of Kansas

Prior to graduation, Ellen worked as a law clerk for Blankenau Wilmoth Jarecke LLP, during which time she developed an understanding of the firm’s primary practice areas of water law and public power. In addition, she participated in the representation of public and private interests in administrative and judicial proceedings involving natural resource allocation, regulatory enforcement, land use planning, and eminent domain. Ellen continues to represent governmental clients and political subdivisions in the areas of natural resources, public power, and eminent domain.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

SENSLA Summer 2021 Seminar



JUNE 19, 2021
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Eugene T. Mahoney State Park
Peter Kiewit Lodge - Nebraska Room 28500 West Park Highway Ashland, NE 68003


Ground Penetrating Radar Systems (GPRS) & 2021 ALTA/NSPS Standard


Glenn Zebrowski, Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC

Gary Kent, PLS Schneider Geomatics


8:00 - Registration
8:25 - President’s Welcome
8:30-9:25 - Session 1 Begins
9:25-9:35 - Break - Refreshments
9:35-10:25 - Session 1 Continues
10:25-10:35 - Break - Refreshments
10:35-11:25 - Session 2
11:25-11:35 - Break - Refreshments
11:35 -12:30 - Session 2 Continues
12:30-12:45 - Business Meeting


1. Minutes
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Old Business
4. New Business
5. Adjourn


Glenn Zebrowski:
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC

Glenn Zebrowski is a 2004 graduate from The University of Toledo with a BS in Construction Engineering. He started his career working for a General Contractor overseeing the building of apartment complexes to nursing homes. He joined GPRS in 2009 as a Southern Florida Regional Manager, working in the field and growing the market. In 2011, he was asked to oversee the Houston, Texas market working in the field and developing southern Texas and southern Louisiana markets. In 2014, Glenn became the Midwest Regional Director, which encompasses IN, IL, WI, MN, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, and KS. Glenn presents the process of GPR/Locating of underground utilities and structures throughout the US, sharing his knowledge of what to expect when you call for a locate.

Ground Penetrating Radar - Utility Locating 
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC. is the nation’s largest company specializing in detecting underground utilities and scanning concrete structures. GPRS has an extensive nationwide network of highly trained and experienced technicians in every major U.S. market. Glenn will cover a brief history of GPRS, GPR, understanding what to look for when hiring a locating company, SIM Spec, the difference between private and public locating, and the various tools and applications in the locating business.

Gary Kent, PLS:
Schneider Geomatics

Gary Kent is a Professional Surveyor with Schneider Geomatics in Indianapolis. After 37 years, he transitioned to part-time status in 2020. He formed Meridian Land Consulting, LLC to provide training, consulting, and expert witness services. Gary has served on the Indiana Board of registration for Professional Surveyors since 2004. He is a past president of both ACSM and the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors. He has also served as Chair of the Joint ALTA/NSPS Committee responsible for the ALTA/NSPS Standards since 1995. Gary has presented programs on easements and rights of way, survey standards, boundary law, and other surveying related topics in all 50 states.

The New 2021 ALTA/NSPS Standards 
After two years of work on the Joint ALTA/NSPS Committee and many others, the new 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys were adopted. They became effective on February 23, 2021. The committees and nearly 300 surveyors from across the country reviewed fifteen pages of suggestions and comments in developing the 2021 standards. This program will outline the various changes between the 2016 and the 2021 standards and explain their meaning to the surveyor. Several FAQs will also be addressed, and resources relating to the 2021 ALTA/NSPS standards will be provided.

Monday, March 15, 2021

SENLSA 2021 Spring Seminar



March 20, 2021
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Yutan Veterans Country Club
1581 Yutan Road
Yutan, NE 68073


GIS Software/GPS Tools/Uses AutoCAD Surfaces/Uses


Mike DeBoer, M.S. Geography, University of Nebraska at Omaha

3D Practice Lead Lamp Rynearson & Associates, Inc.

Joe Sather, LS Surveyor/GIS Technician

JEO Consulting Group Inc.


8:00 - Registration
8:25 - President’s Welcome
8:30-9:25 - Session 1 Begins
9:25-9:35 - Break - Refreshments
9:35-10:25 - Session 1 Continues
10:25-10:35 - Break - Refreshments
10:35-11:25 - Session 2
11:25-11:35 - Break - Refreshments
11:35 -12:30 - Session 2 Continues
12:30-12:45 - Business Meeting


1. Minutes
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Old Business
4. New Business
5. Adjourn


Mike DeBoer:
M.S. Geography, University of Nebraska at Omaha
3D Practice Lead Lamp Rynearson & Associates, Inc.

Mike has been a GIS professional since 2015 and is currently working as the 3D Practice Lead for Lamp Rynearson Engineering. During his time at Lamp Rynearson, he has focused on creating support for GIS applications to help engineers with preliminary planning, research, and marketing to new clients. He holds an FAA Drone Pilot license and assists Lamp Rynearson’s survey department with drone and Scanning Survey work.

His previous work experiences include Support Analyst for ESRI in Redlands, California, and GIS Technician for Pottawattamie County GIS Department.

While getting his Master’s Degree, he focused on using GIS for Location Analytics. During that time, Mike worked with the Omaha Fire Department and used them as a case study to identify gaps in coverage for his thesis. His thesis results were adapted by the Omaha Fire Department and used to help them create a 50-year build plan.

Joe Sather:
LS Surveyor/GIS Technician - JEO Consulting Group Inc.

I have been working as a Surveyor at JEO Consulting Group’s Wahoo office since 2006. I perform various surveying tasks for JEO, such as drafting, GIS mapping, and project management. While I have worked on large and small projects over the last 15 years, the most memorable of them involve developing efficient workflows or processes to collect, analyze, and deliver data.

I grew up in the small town of Bennington, Nebraska (when it was still small). I feel fortunate to be able to live and work and raise my family in the small town of Wahoo. I have three children, and I spend most of my spare-time at their sporting events or school activities.

My love for the outdoors initially drew me to surveying. I enjoy both hunting and fishing. It is rewarding to be able to share these hobbies with my children.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

2021 Officer Update



JON CARRELL LS-693 (2021) 




BILL KNIGHT LS-566 (2021) 


MIKE SMITH LS-565 (2021-2022) 


JEREMY BENDER LS-691 (2020‐2021) 

BRIAN HAVERKAMP LS-787 (2020‐2021) 

MARC RAPHAEL LS-695 (2021‐2022) 

KYLE CATT LS-609 (2021‐2022) 



November 21, 2020

Dear Surveyor,

The SENLSA board members would like to inform the membership with the current state of events. With concern of everyone's health, we have reluctantly canceled the winter seminar due to progressing COVID-19 cases/conditions. We will be planning for a 2021 year with our typical four seminars with the first to be tentatively planned for the third week in March. We have included a ballot for voting on 2021 board members, a PDH summary certificate for those of you that have been audited and a 2021 membership renewal form.

Please let us know if anyone has any questions or comments.

We want to thank our membership for their participation and look forward to 2021.

Michael Smith

Secretary/Treasurer, SENLSA

PDF of Letter